Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Neonatology 2025: abstract submission

before you begin, please prepare the following information and follow these rules :
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINE FOR YOUNG CLINICIANS OR INVESTIGATORS (medical doctors, nurses, allied health professionals)

The oral presentation and the poster sessions are dedicated to “young clinicians or investigators” (medical doctors, nurses, allied health professionals). In order to be chosen as a presenter of a short report or e-poster, the first author must fulfill all of the following criteria:

  • a maximum of 10 years of clinical experience from passing the final medical exams or master/PhD in nursing science;
  • first author is not the head of a research group;
  • first author is not an established university lecturer (i.e., not “Privatdozent”, no venia legendi) or professor in nursing research;
  • Presenting author's contact details; include full mailing address and fax number
  • Mention your presentation type preference (oral, e-poster or poster)
  • Mention author and co-authors' names: full name (e.g. Carl Smith).
  • Affiliation details of all authors: Department; Institution / Hospital; City; State/Province (if relevant); Country
    • For authors from different departments/institutions, designate with number in parenthesis immediately following author's last name (e.g., X. X. (1)), and use same parenthesis number immediately preceding institution name (e.g., (1)Dept. of XXX, University of XXX, City, (Country)
  • Abstracts should contain TEXT ONLY (no Tables, Figures, Graphs), and are preferable in English.
  • Abstract title – must be in UPPER CASE and is limited to 25 words.
  • Abstract text – no minima but up to 2500 characters (spaces included)
  • Abstracts should be as informative as possible and must use the following structured format:
    • Aims and Objectives
    • Materials and Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
    • Abstracts of case reports should be written succinctly and be structured as follows:
      • Case History
      • Discussion
      • Conclusions
    • Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears. Use generic names of drugs. Express numbers as numerals.
    • We recommend typing your text directly into the field or copy-paste it from word-processing software (for example Word)
    • Note: you will not be able to see the abstract after pressing the Submit button. You will not receive a copy of your abstract, so please save it accordingly on your own.
presenting author's contact details:
Presentation type
Abstract title
Abstract text
Upload your file

  • ABSTRACT TEXT imited to 2500 characters (spaces included) - no tables, figures, graphs – in English)
  • STRUCTURE --Aims and Objectives / Materials & Methods / Results / Conclusions (text)
  • You will not be able to see the abstract after pressing the Submit button
  • You will not receive a copy of your abstract so please save your abstract according on your own.
  • Abstracts received after the deadline will not be considered.
  • Abstracts must be original and must not represent previously published work.
  • When submitting their abstract, all authors agreed to be displayed in the abstract book.
  • Notification of abstract acceptance and format will be announced on Notification Letter of
    Acceptance sent by email to the Authors in the week of April 14, 2025
  • The final choice of format (oral or poster) will be decided by the Scientific Committee
  • The Scientific Committee will allocate accepted abstracts to the following formats of presentation:
    • Oral presentation (limited to 6) - speaking time: 6 min and 3 min discussion;
    • E-posters (limited to 12)- speaking time: 3 min and 1 min discussion;
    • The e-poster format is a 3-slide PPT 16/9 presentation (authors & affiliations on a 4th slide)
    • Printed poster (unlimited number) – vertical format DIN A0(120cm high / 85cm width)
  • Please, prepare the slides and posters in English.Presenters may speak in their native language or English, based on personal choice

Disclosure of financial relationships, that the author(s) may have with any manufacturer/supplier of any commercial products or services related to the work, must be indicated in the appropriate box on the online abstract submission form. Also, kindly take note of the following:

  • Keine Veröffentlichung von Patiententendaten ohne schriftliche Einwilligung
  • Pas de publication des données des patients sans consentement écrit
  • No publication of patient data without written consent
  • Registration

    Presenting authors of abstracts must be registered before the start of the congress. Presenters will be able to register online at a reduced fee of CHF 100.00, on / Conferences & Meetings

    If you have problems submitting your abstract, you may contact us at: or Annika Zimmermann at Tel +41 (0)21 312 92 61.
