Auditorium PATERNOT AGORA Rue du Bugnon 25A, 1011 Lausanne
01.11.2022 08:30 - 18:00
Dear Colleagues, Dear Partners,
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) is changing the way we think about research in healthcare. The notion of research performed 'with' or 'by' members of the public rather than 'to', 'about' or 'for' them (as defined by NIHR-INVOLVE) requires us to rethink traditional research approaches and design new strategies.
With PPI becoming a hallmark of research culture in many countries, Switzerland has seen the emergence of several exciting initiatives in recent years. In Western Switzerland, the " Laboratoire des Patients " (Patient Lab) was founded to specifically support PPI in cancer research. A joint platform between the Geneva and Lausanne University Hospitals (HUG & CHUV), as well as the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne, the Patient Lab is affiliated with the Swiss Cancer Center Léman (SCCL).
We are thus very happy to invite you to the First International Workshop on PPI in Cancer Research, which will mark the official presentation of the SCCL Patient Lab to the wider research and patient community. On this occasion, we are excited to welcome a panel of internationally renowned experts in the field. Researchers and patient partners will speak alongside to give their insights into recent developments and their experiences applying PPI in cancer research. Breakout discussions and posters featuring selected abstracts will allow us to further plunge into different themes and together explore emerging strategies.
We are looking forward to an excellent meeting and hope to see you all in Lausanne on Nov 01, 2022!
The Organizing Committee
Alfredo Addeo, Christine Aeschlimann, Sara Colomer-Lahiguera, Tourane Corbière, Manuela Eicher, Susan Gasser, Marie-Pascale PomeyPlease note : The main event language is English. Simultaneous interpretation of keynote lectures into French and German will be available. Breakout sessions will be held multi-lingual.
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