05.11.2024 18:00 - 19:30
Swiss experience and latest updates in CKD
Chairman : Prof Michel Burnier, CHUV, Lausanne
Presentation Kapruvia ®:
Epidemiology and burden of CKD-associated pruritus: Recent data from Switzerland
Speakers Kapruvia : Prof Nancy Helou, HESAV, Lausanne; Prof. Patrice Ambühl, Stadtspital Zürich
Presentation Kerendia ®:
Strengthen cardiorenal protection in T2D-patients and CKD – recent data and real life experience with nsMRA
Speaker Kerendia: Dr Antonio Bellasi, EOC, Lugano
18:00 Introduction by Chairman
18:10 Epidemiology and burden of CKD-associated pruritus: Recent data from Switzerland (30’)
Prof. Nancy Helou, Prof. Patrice Ambühl
18:40 Questions & Answers
18:50 Strengthen cardiorenal protection in T2D-patients and CKD – recent data and real life
experience with nsMRA (30’)
Dr Antonio Bellasi
19:20 Questions & Answers
19:30 Conclusions / Take-home messages
or via this QR code :
Organisation CSL Vifor
Christophe Burrus
Product Manager
CSL Vifor
Route de Moncor 10, CH-1752 Villars-sur-Glâne
Office +41 58 851 67 36
Mobile +41 79 669 79 90
Organisation Bayer (Schweiz) AG
Franziska Bass
Senior Product Manager
Uetlibergstrasse 132,8045 Zurich
Bayer Zentrale: +41 44 465 81 11
Mobile: +41 79 688 24 00
Organisation Meeting.com
Nicole Giacomini
Managing Director
Rue des Pâquis 1, CH-1033 Cheseaux-sur-Lausanne
Office : +41 21 312 92 62
Mobile : +41 79 695 06 36
09.11.2024 09:00 - 15:35
Hôpital Daler, Fribourg
Langue : français et anglais
Language : French and English
! Only 3 places left !
15.11.2024 08:00 - 18:00
Pathologisches Institut des Universität Bern, 3008 Bern
10.01.2024 08:30 - 11.01.2024 17:00
Lausanne University Hospital CHUV, Lausanne
Call for the SGEM Science Award 2024
SGEM_Science 2024_de SGEM_Science 2024_engl
25.01.2024 09:00 - 27.01.2024 17:00
Hôtel des Horlogers Vallée de Joux Le Brassus – Suisse
Chers-ères Collègues,
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer les 6èmes Journées d’Imagerie du Flon, qui auront lieu le jeudi 25, vendredi 26 et samedi 27 janvier 2024 à l’Hôtel des Horlogers, au Brassus.
Le programme scientifique est en cours de finalisation, mais il est d’ores et déjà très bien rempli, comme vous pouvez le voir sur le programme général. Les 3 sujets prévus sont agendés ainsi :
Jeudi 25 janvier 2024 Journée d’imagerie fœtale (10h-19h)
Vendredi 26 janvier 2924 Journée d’imagerie gynécologique (10h-19h)
Samedi 27 janvier 2024 Journée d’imagerie mammaire (10h-18h15)
Nous avons le plaisir et l’avantage d’accueillir des orateurs-trices de renom, et qui sauront susciter votre intérêt pour ce programme dynamique et qui traite de sujets actuels pour votre pratique.
Vous avez la possibilité de participer sur un ou deux jours, ou les trois jours. Les prix sont adaptés en conséquence.
N’hésitez pas à vous inscrire dès que possible, afin de bénéficier des meilleures conditions avec l’hôtel.
Nous espérons vous accueillir nombreux-ses, et vous adressons nos cordiaux messages.
Organisation scientifique
Dre Nathalie Beurret Lepori
Dr Domenico Lepori
Imagerie du Flon, Rue de la Vigie 5, 1000 Lausanne 20
--------------------- ATTENTION: L'HÔTEL EST COMPLET
HÉBERGEMENT : A réserver directement à l’Hôtel des Horlogers au Brassus en indiquant que vous êtes participant https://www.secure-hotel-booking.com/smart/Hotel-des-Horlogers/JSK3/en-US/
avec le code promotionnel : IMAGERIE2501 .
--------------------- ATTENTION: L'HÔTEL EST COMPLET
Société Suisse de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique (SSGO) 20 crédits
Société Suisse de Radiologie (SSR) 18 crédits
Société Suisse d’Oncologie médicale (SSOM) 21 crédits
Société Suisse de Radio-oncologie (SSRO) 18 crédits
Société Suisse de Pathologie (SGPath) 21 crédits
Swiss Plastic Surgery 2 crédits
Société Suisse d’Ultrasons en Médecine (SSUM) 21 crédits
Les inscriptions sont fermées, l'événement est complet. Pour toute information supplémentaire, veuillez nous contacter : nicole.giacomini@meeting-com.ch
25.01.2024 12:00 - 26.01.2024 17:00
Thun, Congress Hotel Seepark
27.01.2024 09:30 - 13:00
Hörsaal Langhans, Institut für Pathologie, Murtenstrasse 31, 3008 Bern
14.05.2024 08:00 - 17:00
Kultur & Kongresshaus Aarau
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are delighted to welcome you all to the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Neonatology in Aarau.
This year’s edition focuses on Family Integrated Care (FiCare) and Migration Health. Ficare and Migrational health complement each other as they both have the well-being of the neonates and their families in the centre, whether the families are local or culturally differing migration families. For both themes we have invited esteemed expert speakers. The program targets all persons involved in neonatal care including parents, nurses, allied health workers, psychologists, researchers, medical doctors and many more.
With our program we put our neonatal patients and their families in the center of neonatal care and our society. We will provide a platform for networking and we are expecting a large number of attendees for a lively exchange.
Have a look at the program with the different interesting lectures!
For the Organizing Committee 2024
Prof. Cornelia Hagmann, Zurich
Prof. Riccardo Pfister, Geneva
For the Swiss Society of Neonatology
Prof. Sven Schulzke, President
Dr Philipp Meyer, President-elect
Credits from:
Swiss Society of Paediatrics (SSP) : 6 credits
Swiss Society of Neonatology (SSN) : 6 credits
25.05.2024 10:00 - 17:00
USZ University Hospital Zurich, Hörsaal Nord D1, Frauenklinikstrasse 10, 8006 Zurich
07.06.2024 08:00 - 17:00
Sitem-Insel, Freiburgstrasse 3, 3010 Bern
Dear Colleagues,
The Young Swiss Society Senologist Subgroup was established by the Swiss Senology Society in 2018. Our primary purpose is to support young doctors (up to 45 years of age) willing to continue their training in any field of Senology.
The inaugural Masterclass took place in June 2022 at the Sitem-Insel in Bern. Around 50 young colleagues from various medical disciplines joined and found inspiration in our multidisciplinary program.
We have meticulously crafted an exciting course for you this summer. Let's seize this opportunity together to learn, collaborate and make meaningful impact in the field of Senology.
Welcome aboard!
With warm regards of the scientific committee
Swiss Society of Senology
Dr Thanh Lam, PD Dr Claudia Rauh, Dr Liliana Castrezana López
21.06.2024 08:00 - 17:00
Musée Olympique, Quai d'Ouchy 1, 1006 Lausanne
Chères, Chers Collègues,
Nous sommes ravis de vous convier à la 12e édition de notre Symposium franco-suisse réunissant les centres suisses romands et la Franche-Comté-Bourgogne. L’année passée a été riche en nouvelles données dans le domaine de la sénologie. La prise en charge du cancer du sein se complexifie et les interprétations des résultats peuvent parfois être variables. Cette réunion sera l’occasion de faire le point et de discuter de l’impact des nouveautés sur notre pratique quotidien.
Nous espérons que ce programme multidisciplinaire répondra à vos attentes.
Nous nous réjouissons de vous retrouver à cette occasion.
Au nom du comité d'organisation,
Au nom du comité d'organisation
Dr Khalil Zaman, PD-MER
Dre Elsa Curtit
Les inscriptions en ligne sont closes
Veuillez vous inscrire directement sur place
- La journée se tient en présentiel et ne sera pas retransmise en ligne -
11.09.2024 08:00 - 18:30
Inselspital, Bern
Scientific organisation: Prof. Dr. Med. Florian Dammann, Radiologie, Inselspital Bern
Language of the course: English
12.09.2024 08:00 - 13.09.2024 18:00
Zentrum Paul Klee, Monument im Fruchtland 3, 3006 Bern
Welcome to the 2024 Annual Congress of the Swiss Society of Senology, which - following a good tradition - will seamlessly merge with the MIBB Practical Course and the MIBB Symposium as a joint event.
When assembling the scientific program, the focus was on imparting knowledge and promoting interdisciplinary dialogue. We are proud that we have been able to attract internationally recognized speakers alongside esteemed experts from Switzerland, ensuring a rich and varied exchange of ideas.
The MIBB practical course at the Inselspital in Bern will kick off the event on 11 September. This will be followed on the morning of 12 September by the MIBB Symposium, which will deal with various facets of radiological and minimally invasive diagnostics of breast diseases. The subsequent annual congress promises exciting discussions on neoadjuvant treatment paradigms, interesting findings from breast pathology and differentiated surgical considerations, including the skillful handling of complications. In addition, this year's program offers special sessions on innovative advances in senology and integrative oncology for breast cancer patients.
We invite you to immerse yourself in stimulating discourse and make valuable contacts with other professionals during these two insightful days in Bern.
PD Dr. Constanze Elfgen Prof. Dr. Cornelia Leo
President of MIBB President of SSS
19.09.2024 08:00 - 21.09.2024 17:00
Campus Sursee, Leidenbergstrasse 17, 6208 Oberkirch
Dear Colleagues
Dear Friends
We are delighted to cordially invite you to the 28th SASRO Annual Meeting, which will take place in Sursee, Lucerne, 19th to 21st September 2024.
It is an honor for us to host this SASRO Annual Meeting together with the local organizing committee as well as the scientific committee and we are pleased to prepare an exciting scientific program.
Experiencing most challenging times with respect to increasingly limited human and financial resources, Health Systems are forced to adapt on different levels. Main focus has thereby to be directed on appropriate data accrual.
These topics are considered most important for further developments in Radiation Oncology and are addressed in the heading of the SASRO Conference 2024: Learning Health Systems: collection of evaluable data, transformation into knowledge, feedback to patient value
In the name of the organization committee, we are looking forward to welcoming you to the SASRO Annual Meeting 2024 in Sursee, Lucerne.
With warm regards,
Gabriela Studer Timothy Collen
Presidents SASRO Annual Meeting 2024
Please see directly with the SEMINAR HOTEL CAMPUS SURSEE (same location as the meeting) on this link :